Friday, February 26, 2010

Olympic Spirit

Yes CJ, its story time with Gerry once more.

There was a story on the CBC morning radio program this morning about David Eby, executive director of the BC Civil Liberties Association, being ‘pie-ed” last week.

Although no one publicly aligned with the loose Olympic protests will speak about it, we have been led to believe that this is probably in retaliation for Mr. Eby’s non-support of the protests which took place Saturday February13 along Granville street in the Vancouver downtown.

Apparently the Civil Liberties Association was asked to not send down observers to the event. We in the non-protester world would call this a warning signal. David Eby has voiced the opinion that the protesters, on that day, were out of control, and had no explanation why his association would not see the warning signal. It appears that payback indeed is a… pie.

On the day in question, a group of protesters closed down everything around Granville & Georgia to protest, um, wait now, um…. I’m not quite sure. Hooded, with only their eyes visible, and clothed in black (Ninjas?), a number of protesters spray-painted cars, destroyed property, and finally smashed windows at the Bay and London Drugs.

As near as anyone can tell, the issues the protesters have is that there is poverty in Vancouver while we are hosting the Olympics, some of the Olympic events are being held on First Nations disputed lands, and there is too much commercialization of the Olympics.

So, were they blaming The Bay for poverty in Beijing 2 years ago? Will The Bay be responsible for the poor in London in 2 years? The Bay is an official Olympic sponsor, but London Drugs? An innocent bystander?

And what of the First Nations issues. Yes the games are taking place on some areas that are being disputed by claims. I remember reading that 250% to 300% of BC land is under various claims from various First Nations bands. This is a very serious issue and, can be addressed by all the First Nations peoples associated with these protests. Anyone?… Bueller?... Bueller?...

There was, I believe on the previous evening, a bit on the radio (CKNW) about one of their reporters asking someone, a Ninja perhaps, protesting the commercialization of the games, about the Nike’s they were wearing. Since this is a radio reporter, who I am assuming had a microphone and a recording device, and we did get audio of the Q & A, the response was probably unsuitable for polite company. Do you talk to your momma with that mouth?

I try not to believe everything I hear on the radio, or read in the papers. But without any news to contradict them, it is hard not to believe the various reports postulating that we are dealing with a central core of “professional” protesters. According to the media, APEC in Vancouver in 1997, through the 1999 Seattle WTO riots, and various other protests since were the breading grounds for this group. They supposedly thrive on the juice of the confrontation; it can’t be the publicity because the Ninja uniforms hide their faces.

As I write this, 11 people have been arrested in connection to these protests. The supposed ringleader, Guillaume Beaulieu, has previously been arrested for throwing water on a Philadelphia cop, who then died of a heart attack. They tried charging him with murder, but settled for aggravated assault. I believe some of the conditions of his current release include not gathering in groups and to not conceal his face. I bet his family is proud of him. Or perhaps they would prefer he hide his face.

On Friday February 12, the tactic was to taunt and swear at the police in order to provoke a confrontation. On Saturday February 13, the tactic escalated to throwing pieces of wood, traffic cones, and garbage in order to provoke a reaction from the cops. Fortunately, or unfortunaterly if you are a Ninja, the police did not react to the provocations.

I opined above that London Drugs was probably an innocent bystander. The protesters seem to not care about innocent bystanders, including everybody else in Vancouver. This is an excellent way to garner support for their cause.

The real question I would like answered by these people is this: Does your mother know what you’re doing? How does she feel about it? Do you think she’d be proud that you are making your point about the poor of Vancouver by launching Vancouver Sun vending machines through the windows of The Bay and London Drugs?

And to those upset about the commercialization of the games, when your children ask for their own Nikes, will you also conveniently suspend your beliefs, for them as you have for yourself? After all, Nike is Nike. One can’t look good without that swoosh!

I wonder, when launching items at the police, if the protesters were channeling Pierre de Coubertin; “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”?


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